Cañada College Science Renovation

Updating science buildings on a very fast schedule

The renovation of the Life Sciences Building and Physical Science Building at Cañada College involved updating two physics labs, two biology labs, an anatomy lab, two chemistry labs, and associated prep spaces. All building systems were upgraded, and accessibility issues were addressed. Working with an extremely fast schedule, we finished the renovation in time for the departments to return to the upgraded facilities for the fall semester.

Project Details

Redwood City, CA



Construction Cost


Project Details

Redwood City, CA



Construction Cost



The renovation of the Life Sciences Building and Physical Science Building at Cañada College involved updating two physics labs, two biology labs, an anatomy lab, two chemistry labs, and associated prep spaces. All building systems were upgraded, and accessibility issues were addressed. Working with an extremely fast schedule, we finished the renovation in time for the departments to return to the upgraded facilities for the fall semester.

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