Project Browser

UC Berkeley Career Center

A welcoming and dynamic space with a clear and compelling visual identity

YMCA-PG&E Teen Center

A teen-led project in downtown Berkeley creates a positive impact

Las Positas College Library Renovation

A bright revitalization that enhances student-staff interaction

UCSF Health Sciences Renovation

The latest in laboratory research and instructional environments

De Anza College Library Renovation

Upgrade and refresh of a well-used community college resource

UC Berkeley Mudd Hall

Revamping a '70s building for graduate student use

College of Natural Resources Master Plan

Developing a strategic vision at UC Berkeley

Merritt College Landscape Horticulture Complex

Tendrils of connection between classrooms, greenhouses, and gardens

College of San Mateo Renovations

A unique use of design-build for small renovations

De Anza College Seminar and Multicultural Center Buildings

Sustainable renovations that enhance support services

Jane Gray Research Greenhouse

A carefully controlled environment for research and learning

Solano College Library/LRC


The Marine Mammal Center

A center of environmental stewardship with a mission of marine rescue

Oakland Zoo Veterinary Hospital

Green design sets precedent for veterinary facilities

Contra Costa College Library Renovation

Transforming a ’60s library into a central hub for students and staff

Cañada College Library & Student Resource Center

A building that encourages free-flowing interaction and learning

New Center for Liberal Arts

Projecting a strong new visual identity for the College of Alameda